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Perincian kontak kami di Roma

Harap pilih kota di bawah ini untuk melihat informasi kontak. Kantor penjualan tiket mungkin tidak buka pada hari libur nasional.

Pertanyaan umum:

+390291483383+390291483383Catatan tambahan:
Bahasa Italia akan tersedia mulai pukul 08:00 - 18:00 CEST (Senin - Jumat) dan 09:00 - 17:00 CEST (Sabtu - Minggu). Penutur bahasa Inggris siap membantu selama 24 jam, artinya dalam hal ini, kami bisa lebih cepat menjawab telepon Anda.

Airport Office - Rome

Akhir pekan dan hari libur nasional tutup
Jam kerja

Ticket Office - Rome

Tutup pada hari libur nasional
Jam kerja
Catatan tambahan:
Rome Ticket Office is moving from via Mario Bianchini 47 to via Chopin 12, 00144, Rome. The office will be temporarily closed from 30 October until 10th of November. You may contact us by email at or visit our Airport Office in Fiumicino airport (Terminal 3) during the following opening hours: 10:40 – 15:00 and 17:00 - 20:45
Catatan tambahan:
Rome Ticket Office is moving from via Mario Bianchini 47 to via Chopin 12, 00144, Rome. The office will be temporarily closed from 30 October until 10th of November. You may contact us by email at or visit our Airport Office in Fiumicino airport (Terminal 3) during the following opening hours: 10:40 – 15:00 and 17:00 - 20:45