Average cost: $$$

Cuisine: Italian

Address: Abu Dhabi

For Italian cuisine just like mamma made and a warm and inviting family-friendly atmosphere that envelops you from the moment you walk in, Prego’s is an eatery with energy, surprising you with fresh flavours, hearty cuisine and genuine hospitality. Our pasta is freshly made daily, our pizzas are baked in a traditional wood-fired oven. Our chefs do their utmost to delight guests with a little touch of Italy in their selection of authentic dishes and ingredients. Theatrical open kitchens and a stylish and contemporary design employing a creative use of lights and mosaic tiles add to this venue’s appeal, while the outdoor terrace is immensely popular with diners who enjoy inspiring views of the hotel’s beach and gardens. Spirited, welcoming and accessible, Prego’s at Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi is extremely popular with diners.

From downtown

How to get to there?

  • 5 minutes by taxi
  • 10 minutes by bus
  • by metro
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You will need to contact the restaurant to confirm availability and make your reservation.