Flights to Europe
Hungary’s unique location—counting Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, and the Ukraine among its neighbors—makes for a cultural melting pot that’s fascinating to behold. Add to this Unesco World Heritage Sites such as Buda Castle, gorgeous architecture, a lively nightlife scene, and stunning national parks, and it’s no surprise that flights to Hungary are in such high demand.
Perhaps Hungary’s most famous travel destination is the capital, Budapest. It’s widely regarded as one of the world’s prettiest cities, and the architecture alone is impressive, with buildings ranging from the Baroque to the Neoclassical. All this is interspersed with shiny new venues in the form of modern hotels, restaurants, and lounges.
Then there are the famous ruin pubs. These restaurants and lounges housed in the (renovated) shells of centuries-old derelict buildings are some of the trendiest places to be seen. Hungary’s dining scene is also a delight to explore. Indulge your taste buds with hearty traditional stews or fine cuisine in one of the city’s growing number of Michelin-starred eateries.
Feel free to fuel up on plenty of goulash (a meaty stew), as you’ll be burning it all off with the amount of sightseeing to be done in Hungary. Take the trek up Buda Castle Hill in Budapest for superb views, then visit the medicinal baths in City Park to unwind and soothe those aching muscles.
Outside of the capital, there are many other interesting destinations to explore. In traditional villages such as Hollókő, life continues much the same way it has for centuries. For sprawling green acres of countryside, visit the Balaton Uplands National Park. And for those who want something more adrenaline fueled, head to the Unesco-listed Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst to try your hand at climbing, caving, and potholing.