How can I get a refund on an unused or partially unused ticket?

To get a refund on a ticket you’ve paid for but not used, you can use the link in Manage a Booking, depending on the type of ticket you hold.

If this link isn’t available, you can request a refund using our online refund request form.

If your ticket was bought online, the refund can only be credited to the card used to make the purchase. Refunds are issued in accordance with fare conditions.

Please be aware that some tickets are nonrefundable once you’ve started your trip. Tickets that permit a refund when partially unused may only have a small amount that would be refunded, depending on the applicable fare for flights flown and any fees.

As the amount refunded to you might not be proportional to the number of the flights flown on the ticket, or the distance traveled, you may wish to consider changing your booking instead.