How do I change details of my trip online after I’ve completed the booking?

You can use Manage a Booking to make changes to most aspects of your booking and add extras to your flight before you fly.

For most Emirates bookings, you can make changes to your flight itinerary such as:

  • changing the dates or times of your flights
  • altering your destination or origin
  • adding or removing stopovers
  • changing your route (ie from round trip to one-way)
  • changing your cabin class (ie from Economy Class to Business Class)
  • cancelling parts of your itinerary

All these changes can be made through the Change my booking link within Manage a booking. You’ll be able to select this link if your booking is eligible for online changes. Please note there may be a fee associated with making changes to your booking, depending on the fare conditions of your ticket.

For any changes which can’t be completed online, please contact a travel agent if you booked with one, or call your local Emirates office if you booked directly with Emirates.

You can also manage other parts of your trip, such as:

  • choosing a seat
  • requesting a special meal
  • adding a frequent flyer number
  • adding or changing your contact details
  • making a Chauffeur-drive booking (for eligible itineraries)

Please note that if you need to make changes to an Emirates Skywards rewards booking on a partner airline, you should use the Rewards change form (opens in a new window).