What is the baggage policy when travelling on Emirates and connecting with other airlines?

Emirates strongly urges you to check the baggage rules of each airline you plan to travel with.

If your travel starts with another airline that connects on to an Emirates flight, please contact that airline for their policy on the through-checking of baggage.

If your itinerary includes flights operated by other airlines, different baggage rules may apply for these flights – learn more.

Depending on how their tickets were purchased and systems available at the airport, passengers travelling on Emirates and connecting to another airline may or may not have their baggage checked through for their flights. Please check with your local Emirates office.

Where the through-checking of baggage is not available between Emirates and the other airline, please ensure that enough time is allowed between the arrival at the airport, collection of baggage, clearance of immigration and customs, and check-in for the onward flight, as well as any potential delays, in order avoid the inconvenience and costs of a missed flight.