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Find what you need on emirates.com quickly and easily. Simply enter a search query into the field below, check for spelling, and click Search


Quick tips and examples

It's easy to search. Just type in a few words or phrases. The more words you give,the better results you'll get. Here are some examples:

Search by typing words and phrases.

Search results will find relevant pages according to the information you type into the search field. A general search for "flights" will return a large amount of pages. A more specific search, for example "flights Dubai Beijing" will return more relevant pages, and will help you get the information you need.

Identify phrases with quotation marks, separate with commas.

Surround phrases such as "London airport" or "First Class" with quotation marks. A phrase is entered using double quotation marks, and only matches those words which appear adjacent to each other. Separate multiple phrases or proper names with a comma.

Use UPPER case to indicate exact match.

Search terms in lowercase will match words in any case, otherwise, an exact case match is used. For example, searching for "dining" will retrieve pages with the words "dining" or "Dining". Searching for "Dining" will only return pages with "Dining".